Jan 20, 2009

Well let us take a look at what we know about obama

He has no executive experience, has limited knowledge on foreign affairs, and has extremist and radical ideas as his frame of reference.

His alliances/associations are Anarchists, Socialists, Communists, and Islamists.

On defense, he is willing to end the U.S.’s nuclear and weapons research. He is also willing to work with Russia to remove our ballistic missiles from NATO allies.

He is willing to redeploy the U.S. military from Iraq to Pakistan.

He wants to attack Pakistan to kill bin laden, something tells me he would knowingly follow faulty intelligence to provoke its population thus an Islamic revolution would prevail in a nuclear capable Pakistan.

He is willing to meet Amadinejad an anti-Semitic bastard, without preconditions. He is also willing to meet with the dictators of Cuba and Venezuela.

He leaves a prayer in the Western Wall for propaganda purposes.

On the home front:
He wants to spread the wealth by punishing achievers. He is so generous he claims to be his brother’s keeper; so far his brother lives in a hut earning less than a dollar a month. His aunt lives here in the U.S. illegally in the slums of housing and no help from Obama in sight.

He wants to increase taxes in a time of a recession.

He is against the second amendment, literally wants to disarm Americans.

He visits his grandmother who happens to be on her deathbed for sympathy all the while covering up his BC details in Hawaii. So far there is no mention about his grandmother’s condition on his campaign stump.

He has no problem with infanticide; babies born alive are not allowed medical treatment thereby being left to die.

He wants to teach kindergartners sex education “It’s the right thing to do”.

He wants to bankrupt the Coal industry, energy prices would definitely skyrocket.

I could go on and on and on and on……………

Here is a sample on a memoir called dreams of my fathers.
“As I was drifting out to sea on a journey knowing not where I was going but I knew it was a journey I had to undertake to find a mystery called Socialism, Communism, Christian Black Liberation Theology and Islam these ideals would qualify me to become the next president of the U.S. And I knew I had to loose something along the way, well I actually had to loose my birth certificate to be more precise”………..

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