Jan 9, 2009

Another Twist ..


BY Joan M. Veon
The Women’s International Media Group, Inc.

In November, 2004, President Bush told Canada’s then Prime Minister Paul Martin, “It’s good to be home.” Exactly what did he mean? Was he inferring that America has been integrated into Canada’s system of government? Was this “code language” to reveal to a group of insiders that Canada’s queen is the Queen of the United States?

Let’s take a look at what we know about our relationship with Canada. They have become America’s largest trading partner—surpassing our trade with Japan. On a daily basis the volume is over $1B or about $400B a year. Twenty-three percent of American exports are sent to Canada and more than 80% of Canada’s exports come to us. They are the largest export market for 39 of the 50 states. We import 80% of Canada’s wood, paper, and pulp and 17% of their oil and 18% of their natural gas. Furthermore, we not only share energy grids all across the northern borders, but New England obtains most of their power from Quebec.

Financially, the Nasdaq Stock Exchange owns 30% of the London Stock Exchange and there are plans to erase the barriers between the Canadian and American stock exchanges. Recently the U.S. adopted the UK style of securities regulation. The currencies between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are becoming one. This new currency, the Amero, will be the common currency for this hemisphere.

From a military standpoint, over the past 46 years, America has been inextricably linked to Canada through our joint military efforts through the North American Aerospace Defense Command-NORAD. On September 11, 2001, it was a Canadian general who was holding the chair at NORAD and who gave the order to initiate our defenses. As a result, more than 200 commercial planes were diverted to airports across the U.S. and from coast to coast. Since then both countries have implemented measures to strengthen military cooperation as well as law enforcement and intelligence agencies. In 2002, the two countries established the Bi-national Planning Group to develop joint plans for maritime and land defense and for military support to civil authorities in times of emergency. There are plans to move ahead with a common ballistic missile defense system.

Under the new partnership called “Common Security, Common Prosperity, A New Partnership in North America”, the U.S. and Canada, will cooperate to expand business opportunities, protect the environment, improve intelligence-sharing and cross-border law enforcement, counter-terrorism, increase critical infrastructure such as transportation, energy, and communications networks, and renew the NORAD agreement. In addition there are plans to cooperate on clean air and clean water initiatives, especially in the Great Lakes Region.

In June 2007, the Financial Times reported that Bush is going to back a treaty to “tackle one of the most contentious issues in relations between the two countries by allowing Britain to buy defense products from American companies without having to obtain export licenses. [T]he treaty would represent a victory for the UK prime minister who has lobbied George W. Bush over this long-standing disagreement between the two.” Currently only Canada has a waiver! Do we see the integration of our countries yet? Therefore in order to ask if the Queen of Canada will become the Queen of America, we need to take a look at Canada’s political structure. While it appears to be like ours, it is not. There is an executive level which we do not have which consists of the queen, the queen’s representative and her Privy Council.

According to Wikipedia, Canada is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state and queen of Canada with a federal system of parliamentary government. The Canadian Constitution, renamed the Constitution Act of 1867 in 1982, states that Canada’s constitution is “similar in principle to that of the UK” and divides the powers between the federal and provincial governments. The governmental structure is made up of the Executive Branch which is comprised of: the Executive (the Queen), the Governor General, the queen’s representative in Canada who formally appoints the prime minister and their cabinet; the Queen’s Privy Council, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet; the Legislature and the Judiciary. You can see that the Queen has her own Council which is over the rest of the government!

Wikipedia states that The Privy Council is the council of advisers to the Queen of Canada whose members are appointed by the Governor General of Canada for life on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet are all sworn into the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and become MINISTERS OF THE CROWN.

The Queen’s Privy Council for Canada was established by the British North America Act and is modeled after Britain’s Privy Council. The formal authority of the council is vested in the Canadian Monarch but is exercised by the Prime Minister and the Canadian Cabinet who make up a minority of the Council’s members. Every member of the Privy Council declares an oath to the queen which in part is,

I [name] do solemnly and sincerely swear that I shall be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, as a member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council for Canada. Generally, in all things I shall do as a faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty.

The Queen is represented in Canada by the Governor General which she appoints on the advice of the Prime Minister. Every Canadian Providence has a Lieutenant Governor who represents the queen there. Upon taking office, the Governor General takes an Oath of Allegiance:

I [name] do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and successors, according to law. So Help me God.

The Governor General’s functions are primarily ceremonial. As representative of the Sovereign, the Governor General performs some of the functions normally associated with heads of state. He or she makes state visits abroad, hosts foreign heads of state, receives ambassadors and high commissioners, meets ceremonial groups, and awards medals, decorations and prizes. He or she serves the symbolic role as the Commander-in-Chief of Canadian Forces and fills this position in the name of the queen. The Armed Forces of Canada swear allegiance to the Canadian Crown and not to the sitting and transient government.

The Governor General and the Lieutenant Governors are also representatives of “The Crown”. The concept of the Crown took form under the feudal system, evolving from various concepts of kingship. Under England’s feudal system, all rights and privileges were ultimately granted by the ruler. The rights of the Crown are exercised by the Queen’s representatives in her various realms and dominions. It is the queen who is the Commander in Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces. The queen through the Governor General also has the power to dissolve parliament.

The Queen’s official title is “Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.” When the queen ascended the throne, there was discussion as to her official title, then Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent said, “Her Majesty is now Queen of Canada but she is the Queen of Canada because she is the Queen of the United Kingdom…It is not a separate office.” Furthermore, the style, “Queen of Canada” is included in the Oath of Allegiance, as well as the Oath of Citizenship. While the prime minister is considered head of government, it is the queen who is head of state.

If the governmental structure of Canada is like that of the UK, we need to consider the ties Canada has with England. In November 2004 when Bush declared it was “good to be home”, he pledged the following:

My country is determined to work as far as possible within the framework of international organizations and we’re hoping that other nations will work with us to make those institutions more relevant and more effective in meeting the unique threats of our time.

Was Bush talking about the Commonwealth, the United Nations or both? If he was speaking about the Commonwealth, we need to understand that the Commonwealth is a brilliant plan devised back in the 1920s by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, which is financed by the estate of Cecil Rhodes, to make it appear that the various colonies, territories and dominions of the United Kingdom were given “independence” and were totally free of British rule. However, that is not the real case. Although they were given “independence,” the British never left. They just changed the structure of government to accommodate the sovereign as head of state and not head of government. This historical feat was accomplished through the Balfour Declaration in 1926 when Britain and its dominions agreed they were

equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by common allegiance to the Crown and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

This was formalized by the Statute of Westminster in 1931. While colonies were given legislative independence, it automatically set the basis for continuing the relationship through the Commonwealth in which they share allegiance to the monarch! Pretty amazing.

The Queen is not only Queen of Canada, but Queen of the following Commonwealth countries in our hemisphere: Antigua and Barbuda; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Grenada; Guyana, Jamaica; For St Kitts and Nevis: St. Christopher and Nevis; St. Lucia; and St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago.

The Commonwealth today has 53 sovereign states with Queen Elizabeth II as head of the Commonwealth. The Queen’s position is recognized by each state and as such is the symbol of the free association of the organization’s members. The 16 members where the queen is head of state are called Commonwealth Realms. Decolonization started in 1931 with Canada, South Africa and Australia; in the 1940s: India, New Zealand, and Sir Lanka; in the 1950s: Ghana and Malaysia; In the 1960s: twenty more: Barbados, Botswana, Cyprus, Gambia, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Nauru, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Swaziland, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda and Zambia. During the 1970s, nine more: the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Dominica, Fiji, Grenada, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu. During the 1980s, seven more: Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Brunei, Maldives, Pakistan, St. Kitts and Nevis, and Vanuatu and in the 1990s, three more: Cameroon, Mozambique and Namibia.

As each country obtained independence, they received a vote at the United Nations. Therefore, the Commonwealth has the potential of 54 votes at the United Nations. Throughout the entire international structure, the United States is OUTVOTED by the Commonwealth. In the Group of Eight, Canada and the United Kingdom outvote the U.S. While the U.S. has 50 states, we only receive one vote at the United Nations! Furthermore in this hemisphere there are 13 Commonwealth countries that swear allegiance to the queen.

While the Commonwealth bills itself as a free and voluntary association, several years ago, I separately interviewed three representatives from three different African countries. When I asked why they don’t go to Britain for help, they said there was no help from them. When I asked why they don’t withdraw from the Commonwealth, they each looked at me with terror and said they could not.

We Americans would be extremely naive if we thought that Britain was a good loser over the outcome of the American Revolution and the Battle of New Orleans in 1812. As explained in a previous article, “Treason in the Congress”, there is a very, very powerful group of men whose money runs the world both here in Britain and the U.S. These Pilgrims swear allegiance to the Crown and have been working since 1902 and 1903 respectively to bring America back under British rule. While it appears Senator Charles Schumer is a Pilgrim, maybe we need to ask if our president, who is distantly related to the queen, is also a Pilgrim. It appears he does not swear allegiance to the Constitution! Perhaps NAFTA was the beginning of a bloodless coup and the Common Security and Prosperity Partnership sealed the merger between the U.S., Canada, and Britain. Just maybe the Queen of Canada is indeed the Queen of the United States! It is time for TRUE AMERICANS TO WAKE UP!

Joan Veon is the author of Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince and The United Nations’ Global Straitjacket.

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