As the chapel bell struck eight, the lanky figure and his two “aides”
stepped off the curb of High Street. Fast as lightening, they
traversed the short distance to the Tomb,their destination.
Greeted at the front door of the massive and imposing structure and
giving the necessary password, the two aides ushered their new initiate
down a musty corridor into a darkened side room. Instructed to “strip
completely,”the young man obeyed, not uttering a word. A sense of
excitement—and dread—filled every atom, sinew, and corpuscle
of his being. His heart raced with anxiety and anticipation. Vague,
unnamed fears began to infiltrate his mind.
Silently, in the dark he waited. Minutes passed. A sense of quiet
desperation soon enveloped his brain. He felt trapped, yet hopeful and
expectant. No way could he back out now, he thought. No way.
Then suddenly, the room began to bristle with activity. The door flung
open and a band of “ruffians” rushed in. Grabbing him roughly, but
firmly by the shoulders, they placed a blindfold over his eyes and led
him out—in and out of corridors and up a long series of stairs and
Along the way, he heard noises—terrible noises—moans, screams and
wails, some muffled, some hollered out in total terror. Fear would have
overtaken him, but for the fact, that it was all happening so very,
very fast. He had little time to think, let alone evaluate these
unexplainable events.
Then, entering a large, red velvet room, he felt hands and arms
shoving, mauling, pressing his body into what seemed to be a box or
container. (Later, the initiate was to discover that this container
was, in fact, a crude coffin.)
The new man heard a brusque voice announce his arrival, and the rite of
passage commenced. Members in blackhooded robes carrying flickering
candles crowded around the candidate, some chanting, others muttering
strange and bizarre incantations, and still others—perhaps more
inebriated—huskily mouthing epithets and curse words. The smell of
liquor combined with a dank, unidentifiable odor wafted about the room.
“Tonight,” the leader’s voice intoned, “he will die to the world and be
born again into the Order, as he will thenceforth refer to it. The
Order is a world unto itself, in which he will have a new name and
fourteen new blood brothers, also with new names.”
Then, abruptly, on command, all in the room ceased their voices. It was
time for the connubial bliss portion of the ritual. The candidate was
ordered to begin his confession. As he lay in the coffin and poured out
his heart about his sexual experiences and fantasies, as he began to
reveal to the utmost depths his hidden desires and passions, a clamor
began around him. He was being accused of “covering up,” of lying, of
stretching the truth, of omitting pertinent facts. He was warned that
unless he truthfully and completely told all, until he shared every bit of intimacy
with his future “brothers,” he would be deemed to be unfit for service as an honorable,
esteemed Knight of the Order.
It did no good to protest of his veracity. The howls, threats,
and verbal abuse simply escalated. The initiate felt rotten. He was
overcome with an overpowering and consuming need to comply, to please,
to conform. Pliantly and with intense concentration, he searched the
deepest recesses of his mind and soon was able to recall additional bits of data.
His performance obviously pleasing to the assembled members, there was
a brief pause. The new man was lifted out of the coffin and his
blindfold removed. As he blinked his eyes and gazed about the room, he
was shocked at the scene he saw before him, members in skeleton suits,
in red suits, in bloody, torn, scroungy garb, and in ghostly costumes.
Some wore campus attire but their heads were covered with black hoods.
And he noticed that some wore sparsely cut, grayish robes with strange
symbols inscribed or sewn thereon.
Stage one was over and the candidate had passed with flying colors.
But more trials were to come. There would be the naked wrestling as
he and the other 14 candidates plunged into and wallowed in a mud pile, to the taunts,
cries, cheers, and roars of the spectators. Busily, up and down the
stairs he went, from sanctum to inner sanctum, sometimes threatened and
prodded, at other times encouraged.
Once, in a tower room, he was brought before a mysterious hooded and
crowned figure who sat regally on a throne. “Bow to the Master,” the
order came from the attendants. Feeling uneasy at so bold a request to
demonstrate his servility, yet desperately not wishing to offend and
anger, the initiate meekly—and promptly—complied. Finally came the
climactic ceremony of the “bones,” the moment when he and the other
candidates were “awarded” and assigned their new, esoteric names.This
is our new brother “Poppy,” the leader reported.”
He is a Knight. May he ever remember he is a Bonesman and a member of the
Order, and may he never forget that all those creatures outside the
Order are barbarians, vandals, and gentiles.” That’s the way it was
that night, over five decades ago, when George Herbert Walker
Bush—“Poppy” to his blood brothers—was initiated into the privileged,
much revered ranks of the notorious, yet powerful, Skull & Bone Society.
Occultic and Gruesome: A Harrowing Ritual Coffins, black-hooded men
with lit candles, skeletons and bones—these are all grotesque images
and reveal to us the occultist nature of the Skull & Bones initiation.
But is my account of what goes on behind the closed doors of the Tomb accurate?
The definitive answer is yes. Other investigators report similar
gruesome events remarkably parallel to my own descriptions.
For example, Ron Rosenbaum, in his expose article, “The Last Secrets of
the Skull & Bones” (Esquire magazine, Sept. 1977) wrote extensively of
the“harrowing” and grueling ordeal and test to which the newly tapped
members voluntarily submit. According to Rosenbaum, accompanied by
strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb,” the
initiate must undergo as a minimum the following:
• Lying completely nude in a coffin, he confides to by standing
members,or Knights, the most intimate “secrets” of his sex life.
• A naked wrestling match with other candidates in a sloppy and messy mud pile.
Roger A. Javens, a friend of mine and a dedicated Christian who just
happens to be a Yale graduate—though not a Bonesman—investigated and
researched the Order of Skull & Bones while still a student on campus.
In his extensively documented report, Javens states that:
Each member is required to give his autobiography… Fellow members are
assembled in black-hooded robes with candles as a member shares his
life story from a coffin. Javens adds that this ritual can be
traumatic: “This is known to be a powerful and emotional experience as a
member shares his childhood, his experiences (including his sexual
experiences), and his ambitions and goals in life.”
A Mind-Jarring Ritual“Moreover,” says Javens, “the bizarre initiation
rituals of the Skull & Bones Society are not simply juvenile, fun and
games sessions. Their purpose is a serious one. They are, in fact,
calculated to produce enduring, lasting behavior and thorough changes.
They serve as an intense, ritualistic form of psychological
conditioning.”The initiation process, undoubtedly, as the evidence
suggests, is a humiliating and traumatic psychological experience. Like
other initiations…theirs is also a form of peer pressure, encounter
group therapy. All inhibitions and defense mechanisms are broken down.
The individual is then built back up after he has been sufficiently demoralized.
Obviously, there is a price one must pay to enter the exalted ranks of
the world’s most exclusive men’s club. Psychological conditioning takes
its toll. Yet the greatest sacrifice made, quite possibly, is the new
initiate’s independence. Now an active member of a group collective, he
is expected to comply with the group’s demands and support its goals.
His own destiny and future is tied to the fortunes of the greater group
collective. He has become the servant of the group,and it is his
acknowledged and unquestionable master.
The servant aspect, Bonesmen realize, is the price they
must willingly and eagerly pay for all the enormous rewards
to be accrued through membership in the world’s most elite
Brotherhood. In light of the substantial rewards offered the
initiate, the price probably does not seem to be onerous.
It is, in fact, a bargain. The new Bonesman finds that he is
immediately tied into the “old boys” network of the Skull &
Bones in innumerable ways. He quickly discovers, too, that
it is a network that operates throughout the planet and
holds the levers of power in almost every nation on earth.
From the moment he is initiated and given a new name,
an ancient recognized symbol of unity among those in
cultic groups, a young man of the Order finds that his life
is guided by a powerful, often invisible silver cord. He
himself is but one of the interlinking and braided threads
in a closely woven, rigid, and inelastic network of power and influence.
The Three Bushes
In a fascinating article (January 6, 1991) on President George Herbert
Walker Bush (the senior Bush) in the Guardian Weekly, an insert tabloid
of The Washington Post, the authors allude to the guiding, yet unseen,
power network that influenced the policies and political life of the
President. Referring to the establishment-endorsed book, The Wide Men,
in which the authors favorably look at the secret societies and their
works, the article stated: What he (George Bush) may be guided by is a
thread that runs deep through his own life and times. Like the “wise
men” chronicled by authors Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas in their
1986 study of six influential to bastions of the establishment such
as…Yale. His father, Prescott Bush,was a friend and business associate
of these men, including…W. Averell Harriman.
They were an elite group…who helped shape a New World
Order… They steered the United States…toward a new and difficult
international role… The power and influence of Skull & Bones was amply
demonstrated during the 2004 U.S.A. presidential elections Amazingly,
both of the major party nominees, incumbent President George W. Bush
(R-Tex)—the junior Bush—and Senator John Kerry (D-Mass), were Bones
alumni. George W. Bush is actually the third in a dynastic line of
Bushes to be initiated into the Order.
As I noted, before him came grandfather Prescott Sheldon Bush and
father, and also President, now retired, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Incidentally, Senior Bush, who at his initiation was given the secret
name “Poppy” by his fellows, later was rewarded with yet another
appellation. Today,fellow Bonesmen refer to George Herbert Walker Bush
as “Magog.” Junior Bush, inexplicably, was bequeathed the moniker, “Temporary.”
Most researchers report that Skull & Bones originated at Yale
University in 1832, being founded by a man named General William H.
Russell. Today, the Skull & Bones is formally known as “The Russell
Trust” and is incorporated in that name. William H. Russell visited
Germany in the year of 1832 and while
there was introduced to a German secret society which was a successor
of the Bavarian “Illuminati” of Adam Weishaupt.
Germany has been the home of many secret societies. In fact, they
existed all the way up until the time of Adolf Hitler and still operate today.
Hitler himself was a member of two secret societies, the Vril Society
and the Thule Society,and he believed himself to be a Teutonic Knight.
Upon his return to the United States in 1832, General Russell and some
associates determined to establish a similar group in America. Yale was
then one of the Ivy League colleges, was perhaps the top school, along
with Harvard and Princeton in the United States at that time. It was
therefore Russell’s intention—he and his very wealthy, rich friends—to
make sure that they and their sons could become members of a secret
order which would have favored, privileged status in society.
At the time, Freemasonry was in disrepute throughout the United States.
A Captain William Morgan, a former Mason, had renounced the group and
published a volume in 1829 unmasking most of the secret rituals,
handshakes,and symbolism of Freemasonry. So enraged were Masons, that
Captain Morgan was murdered. This violent act became a rallying cry
against all Masonic lodges everywhere. So great was the public outcry
that an Anti-Masonic political party was even established.
So, when General Russell and his Masonic friends decided to found their
secret society at Yale, they avoided the Masonic name. However, the
Skull & Bones is, in fact, nothing less than a black lodge of
Freemasonry, and its rituals are almost carbon copies of the highest
level ceremonial rituals of Freemasonry. It was decided that 15 juniors
at Yale would be chosen each year from among the “upper crust,” the
upper classes, the rich, the famous, the privileged, the influential.
And so they set up this secret society to be known as Skull & Bones.
They also constructed an impressive, windowless building that came to
be dubbed “The Tomb,” adjacent to the campus of Yale University.
Interestingly, the esoteric motto of both the Skull & Bones and Yale
University itself is the one inscribed on certain campus buildings and
is also to be found inscribed in Latin on the $1 bill of our currency.
The words of this motto,in Latin, are: Novus Ordo Seclorum. That is
also the Yale slogan, translated in English, the words mean New World
Order. Thus the members of the Skull & Bones perceive themselves as the
men who are to bring in the New World Order.
Yale University seems to have been a bastion of secret society plotters
and of skull duggery far prior to Russell and his 1832 founding of the
I document the fact that the roots of Skull & Bones can be
traced all the way back to the American Revolutionary War era.
Indeed, the city of New Haven, Connecticut,home of the Tomb, where the
“Bonesmen” reside, and their affiliated university,Yale, is located,
was originally laid out so that the town’s center was in the form
of a skull and bones. The heart of New Haven was designed to be the
town cemetery—a place of the dead, and this cemetery is the skull.
A $54 Million Endowment for Pampered Rich Boys
At Yale, then, we have this secret society in which only 15 students
are inducted each year. They live in a building, the Tomb, that
resembles a combination library and mausoleum and are cared for by paid
servants, cooks, and attendants. The Russell Trust is endowed by $54
million in alumni grants. Imagine $54 million for the welfare of these
15 pampered initiates! These 15 students are obviously chosen, special
people. They are called Knights while they are at the university,
but when they graduate, they are called Patriarchs of the Order.
It has been the case that since 1832 the Patriarchs, also calling
themselves Bonesmen, continue to meet together, frequently. The new
graduates are also mentored by older patriarchs and are rewarded for
their jobs, loans, grants, and favored treatment throughout their
lives. “Once a Bonesman,” it is said,“always a Bonesman.”
Behind the Closed Doors of the Tomb
In 1873 some Yale students wanted to know the secrets of the Tomb, the
building where the strange, arcane ceremonies and rituals are held to
induct the chosen new Skull & Bones members. A group of Yale students
therefore decided to break into the Tomb, to discover what goes on in
the inner sanctum. What they found there was quite shocking. They came
upon actual skulls and bones—real skulls and bones. Many other
evidences of occultism were found in the Tomb.
Some of those students later wrote of their experiences and revelations
in the Yale newspaper, the Iconoclast. Evidently, sentiment was then
against the Bonesmen, as a result of their arrogance and their unfair
actions in consistently favoring their own, regardless of merit.
We can be sure there have been many fine, brilliant and hard-working
students inducted into the Yale secret society known as the Skull &
Bones. Yet in fact, it does not matter what merit a man may have. By
virtue of his being a member of this secret order, he is always
favored, not only by fellow Bonesmen,their blood brothers at Yale, but
later in life by the alumni. It is the alumni who actually control the
Order of Skull & Bones.
That Cryptic Number: 322
The logo of the Order of Skull & Bones is a skull with crossed bones
and underneath a strange and mystic number “322.” At Yale, the Order is
known as Chapter 322. What does the “322” stand for? There seem to be
of this number is found in Chapter 3, verse 22 of the book of Genesis
in the Bible. Now,in returning our attention to Genesis, chapter 3:22,
a fascinating revelation comes into focus. What Genesis 3:22 is all
about is initiation. Just as each of the candidates for Skull & Bones
membership must pass through an initiation process, so Genesis 3:22 is
talking about the ordeal of a person who passes through ritual
initiation into perfection and Godhood.
Here, we have recorded the story of Adam and Eve and their fall from
grace. You see, before they sinned and disobeyed their creator, Adam
and Eve were immortal creatures. They would not die unless they
transgressed against God. And so God put them in the garden, with the
prohibition against eating of certain forbidden fruit. But they did eat
of that fruit of that tree which they should not have, which they were
ordered not to by God.
And so God, in Chapter 3 of Genesis, verse 22 says this: “And the Lord
God said, behold the man is become one of us. To know good and evil.”
But God continues: “And now lest he put forth his hand and take also of
the tree of life and eat and live forever, let us banish them from the
garden!” Thus,in verses 23 and 24, we find that God sent Adam and Eve
out of the Garden of Eden; he drove out the man and woman from
paradise, and he placed at the East of the Garden of Eden guards known
as the cherubim, and a flaming sword to keep inviolate, sacred, and
untouched the Tree of Life.
In other words, Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden because God
said: “He has already eaten one of the fruit. He knows he’s almost like
us. He’s become one of the heavenly hosts. He knows the difference
between good and evil and now let’s drive him out of the Garden or
he’ll take of his hand and eat of the other tree, the Tree of Life, and
he’ll be an immortal god and live forever.” If man had eaten of the
Tree of Life, he would have become an immortal, a divine being: a god.
So the Lord said, “let us drive him from it.”
Therefore, the number of Skull & Bones, Chapter 322, appears to be a
veiled reference to unredeemed man’s inner desire and yearning to
become a god—to partake of the Tree of Life. Through initiation, the
secret society candidate does, in fact, partake of the fruit from the
Tree of Life—he symbolically returns to the Garden and is made perfect and divine!
Indeed, my investigation demonstrates that, metaphorically speaking,
the goal of every secret society is to have man, the initiate, eat of
the fruit from the Tree of Life, to become immortal, to become a god.
And I think it makes perfect sense that it could, indeed, be that
account in Genesis 3:22, which inspired the Skull & Bones founders to
utilize this number. A Ritual of the Mystery Religions
The initiation rite is a throwback to Masonic rituals (particularly the
ritual for the 30th degree) and is modeled after the similar rituals
conducted in ages past by the mystery religions of the Greeks, the
Romans, the Babylonians, and the Egyptians. Its purpose is occultic:
the new member of the Skull & Bones Society supposedly dies to the
world and is born again into The Order. The Order is considered a world
unto itself. The man has a new name and 14 new blood brothers.
Moreover, he joins an elite few numbering in the hundreds—chosen
from among the 5.5 billion inhabitants of planet Earth!
The elitism of Skull & Bones is very disturbing to fellow students.
It’s an interesting thing that as far back as 1873, the Yale students
who broke into “The Tomb” discovered some of the group’s secrets. They
warned in their school newspaper at the time that, “Year-by-year the
deadly evil of the Skull & Bones is growing.” The Order they wrote, is
not just obnoxious and arrogant, it fancies itself superior. Moreover,
the students suggested that the true goal of its membership was to
endeavor to rule in all things and to clutch tightly its power.
We offer no objections to their existing plan. No one disputes with
them this is right, we question but the plan on which they act, that
only he who wears upon his breast their emblem, he for every post shall
be considered best.
The history of the two George Bush’s lives is proof positive of the
almost unbelievable influence and ability of a small band of rich and
powerful co conspirators to create a pliant company man perfectly fit
and trained for their own sinister purposes, and to actually propel
that man to the very seat of world authority as head of the
United States of America, the mighty military arm of the
Secret Brotherhood’s New World Order.
Further reading
# Robbins, Alexandra. Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy
League, and the Hidden Paths of Power. Back Bay Books, 2003. ISBN
# "Whose Skull and Bones?," Kathrin Day Lassila '81 and Mark Alden
Branch '86, Yale Alumni Magazine, May/June 2006
# Skull & Bones Society: A rare look inside Skull and Bones, the Yale
secret society and sometime haunt of the presumptive Republican nominee
for President, by Alexandra Robbins
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