Jan 1, 2009


I've always known there was corruption in our govt.

Threw the years I've been involved in many a campfire discussion about the corruption in politics. But NEVER in all my days, have I ever seen the level of deceit and utter law-lawlessness in both the federal and state levels of our govt. Add in the sheer bias / loyalty of the media to the Democratic party, and I find myself viewing my own beloved Country in the same way I used to view the old USSR, and Cuba. They where the ones with the bought and paid for govt run press. They where the ones with the corrupt elections, and the corrupt court systems.

How have we as a people, allowed things to get this out of hand? Well, I may be able to answer my own question here...

The power-hungry people with bottomless pockets (the George Soros types) have bought and paid for a slice of the USA at "We The People's" expense". What's even scarier, is us average citizens have no clue how much financial backing has come from non-US billionaires looking to change our way of life.

All I can say is thank God some people are trying their damnedest to fight back right now, but it may be too late I'm afraid. I hope and pray not, but if I said I wasn't worried, I'd be lying. Tyranny in its finest is here upon us like a lion whom waits for its prey , slowly crawling , crouching around every bend , the real questions still remains when shall we be pounced upon and eaten alive.. Or worse taken alive..

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