Dec 16, 2009
Nov 25, 2009
United States Of Earth
Nov 23, 2009
Nov 18, 2009
Nov 16, 2009
Nov 11, 2009
Nov 10, 2009
Nov 9, 2009
Nov 6, 2009
Nov 4, 2009
Nov 1, 2009
Oct 31, 2009
Oct 25, 2009
Oct 18, 2009
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Oct 15, 2009
Oct 13, 2009
Oct 12, 2009
Oct 7, 2009
Oct 6, 2009
Oct 5, 2009
Oct 4, 2009
Oct 3, 2009
Sep 30, 2009
Sep 29, 2009
Sep 27, 2009
Your Life Plan (planned by someone else, not you!)
On our public education system - to prepare our children to live in a equitable world.
On our economy - to create partnerships between business and government, selecting favored businesses as a tool to help implement the policies with our taxpayer money.
On the environment - leading to controls on private property and business.
On health care - the new drive against obesity (as just 1 example) is leading directly toward controls on what we eat.
On farming - Sustainable Development policies that affect farmers production choices and outputs by regulating land, water, bio-equity, bio-diversity, chemicals, and genetics in the name of environmental protection.
On our social and cultural environment - where political correctness is controlling policy hiring practices, immigration policy, multiculturalism, marriage laws, etc.
On our mobility - with emphasis on carpools and public transportation and away from our freedom of personal transportation choices.
On public safety - where the rule of law and the court system is being challenged by new regulations that affect the right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizures.
On our Water-which seek to reduce the avg American household from a consumption of 100 gals/day to 26/gals/day.
And on Everything Else Not Included Above
To give you part of the picture, there is a comprehensive agenda for each of the following (and then some):
Global governance for peace and security
Global economic governance
International cooperation for development
Strengthening the multilateral trading system
International cooperation for protecting shared environmental resources
Global health
Biodiversity Initiative
Cities for Climate Protection
EcoMobility (mobility without dependency on the private car)
Climate Change & Sustainable Development
Energy for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns
Atmosphere, Water, Land, and Seas
Waste Management
What infuriates me is that this “transparent” administration has not, nor will not tell the American people what they are forcing us into. The majority did not vote for a man who said, “I want a one world economy, a one world group therapy session where bugs, animals, and humans all sit around in euphoric harmony swapping stories while your property, lives, lifestyles and livelihoods might have to be radically altered to embrace biodiversity and bio-equality.” We are denied participation and the right to vote on the real issues. We are denied to scrutinize the veracity of these noble-sounding projects. We are denied the opportunity to participate in solutions. We are denied the ability to institute 'real change' where change needs to be, because these issues are being marginalized and used as political fodder to fuel the greed of Power.
Instead, he is engineering our society; molding us in directions most are unaware of; while he deflects and obfuscates to keep us unaware. They are imposing their Utopian ideals upon an unsuspecting population.
The prevailing thought here is that Government believes they know best, and without disclosure, they will provide the solutions as they best see fit and by any means via PPP's. (Private/Public Partnerships--with big business)
The process they are using is Fascism, with all the attendant strong-arm tactics…take-over of this, control of that, inciting civil discord and fanning the flames of discontent for the sole purpose of distracting us from their hidden agenda. That is not democracy.
To defeat Healthcare, Cap and Trade, and other legislations that serve to dismantle America in servitude of the Global Utopia that is driven predominately by George Soros, it is best we Conservatives arm ourselves with the Truth, so we can begin to hold our Congressman and Senators accountable to their hidden agenda. So long as our arguments remain entrenched within the context of these Bills, the concept behind them will march forward, regardless how they change the wording to appease the 'context-driven oppostion' of the American people.
The Global Agenda:
The Timetable for Globalization:
For a synopsis about the real agenda that drives this Administration, go here:
For more in-depth discussions you may go here:
And there is a website opposing this imposed lifestyle change:
Sep 26, 2009
Sep 24, 2009
Sep 23, 2009
Sep 21, 2009
Sep 20, 2009
Sen. Dodd Calls to Curb Overdraft Fees
Student Loan Overhaul Approved by U.S. House
Sep 19, 2009
Missile shield sacrificed for Trilaterals' profit | | |
By Patrick Wood, Editor When Obama abruptly dropped the Eastern European missile shield, the real motive became quickly visible. Buried in a Reuter's article was the following side note: "Shortly after the pullback on the shield programme was announced, Russia's government said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would meet several U.S. executives on Friday from firms including General Electric, Morgan Stanley as well as TPG, one of the world's largest private equity firms." In fact, all three companies mentioned have connections to the A private organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Perpetual membership of around 300 covering Europe, Japan and the North America. Elite membership consists of corporate directors, scholars and high-ranking politicians. ', CAPTION, 'Trilateral Commission',BELOW,RIGHT, WIDTH, 300, FGCOLOR, '#CCCCFF', BGCOLOR, '#333399', TEXTCOLOR, '#000000', CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', OFFSETX, 10, OFFSETY, 10);" onmouseout="return nd();">
General Electric's influence in the White House is second only to Goldman Sachs. As noted in Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame, members of the Trilateral Commission have thoroughly saturated the Obama administration -- 13 percent of the U.S. membership now hold critical positions, including,
Note that Robert Hormats was vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs prior to his recent appointment. The economic development of Russia is part of his specific responsibilities. The purpose of controlling the Executive Branch since the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, has been to create insider business deals for themselves, at the expense of everyone else. The fact that Eastern Europe will now be at the mercy of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Bear doesn't seem to bother the Trilaterals in the slightest. ', CAPTION, 'Hegemony',BELOW,RIGHT, WIDTH, 300, FGCOLOR, '#CCCCFF', BGCOLOR, '#333399', TEXTCOLOR, '#000000', CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', OFFSETX, 10, OFFSETY, 10);" onmouseout="return nd();"> |
Sep 18, 2009
Sep 17, 2009
Sep 15, 2009
Sep 14, 2009
Sep 13, 2009
Sep 12, 2009
Sep 11, 2009
Sep 9, 2009
Sep 8, 2009
Sep 7, 2009
Sep 6, 2009
Aug 27, 2009
'Cruel and neglectful' care of one million NHS patients exposed - Telegraph
One million NHS patients have been the victims of appalling care in hospitals across Britain, according to a major report released today."
Democratic Health Care Bill Divulges IRS Tax Data - Taking Liberties - CBS News
Aug 26, 2009
Aug 24, 2009
Aug 22, 2009
Aug 21, 2009
Aug 18, 2009
Aug 15, 2009
Aug 14, 2009
Aug 13, 2009
Aug 11, 2009
Aug 10, 2009
Aug 9, 2009
Aug 8, 2009
Turning the US army against Americans
© Copyright Dan Kennedy, The Guardian, 2009
The url address of this article is:"
Jun 29, 2009
Day of reckoning comes for Bernard Madoff

Associated Press/AP Online |
NEW YORK - It was a crime of epic proportions: a multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme that wiped out fortunes, drained retirement nest eggs, ruined charities and foundations, and even pushed some investors to commit suicide.
Six months after the scandal came to light, the battle lines over Bernard Madoff's punishment have been drawn. His lawyer insists 12 years in prison is enough. Prosecutors demand a 150-year sentence that would guarantee the 71-year-old spends his final days behind bars.
Some victims were expected to call for harsh punishment at the disgraced financier's sentencing Monday in federal court in Manhattan. Ten have told U.S. District Judge Denny Chin they wish to speak out in court.
Madoff also "will speak to the shame he has felt and to the pain he has caused," his attorney, Ira Sorkin, said in court papers.
"We seek neither mercy nor sympathy," Sorkin wrote. But the lawyer urged Chin to "set aside the emotion and hysteria attendant to this case" as he determines the sentence.
There was no shortage of emotion in recent e-mails and letters to the judge by victims.
Carla and Stanley Hirschhorn wrote that they lost their life savings - "a living nightmare that we can't wake up from."
Miriam Siegman expressed outrage "at the spectacle of a man playing with his victims - thousands of them - who he knew were facing a kind of death, playing with them as a cat would with a mouse."
Prosecutors argued in court papers Friday that federal sentencing guidelines allow the 150-year sentence. Any lesser term, they said, should at least be the equivalent of a life sentence.
"The sheer scale of the fraud calls for severe punishment," the prosecutors wrote.
The jailed Madoff already has taken a severe financial hit: Last week, a judge issued a preliminary $171 billion forfeiture order stripping Madoff of all his personal property, including real estate, investments, and $80 million in assets his wife Ruth had claimed were hers. The order left her with $2.5 million.
The terms require the Madoffs to sell a $7 million Manhattan apartment where Ruth Madoff still lives. An $11 million estate in Palm Beach, Fla., a $4 million home in Montauk and a $2.2 million boat will be put on the market as well.
Before Madoff became a symbol of Wall Street greed, the former Nasdaq chairman had earned a reputation as a trusted money manager with a Midas touch. Even as the market fluctuated, clients of his secretive investment advisory business - from Florida retirees to celebrities such as Steven Spielberg, actor Kevin Bacon and Hall of Fame pitcher Sandy Koufax - for decades enjoyed steady double-digit returns.
But late last year, Madoff made a dramatic confession: Authorities say he pulled his sons aside and told them it was "all just one big lie."
Madoff pleaded guilty in March to securities fraud and other charges, saying he was "deeply sorry and ashamed." He insisted that he acted alone, describing a separate wholesale stock-trading firm run by his sons and brother as honest and legitimate.
Aside from an accountant accused of cooking Madoff's books, no one else has been criminally charged. But the family, including his wife, and brokerage firms who recruited investors have come under intense scrutiny by the FBI, regulators and a court-appointed trustee overseeing the liquidation of Madoff's assets.
The trustee and prosecutors have sought to go after assets to compensate thousands of burned victims who have filed claims against Madoff. How much is available to pay them remains unknown, though it's expected to be only a fraction of the astronomical losses associated with the fraud.
The $171 billion forfeiture figure used by prosecutors merely mirrors the amount they estimate that, over decades, "flowed into the principal account to perpetrate the Ponzi scheme." The statements sent to investors showing their accounts were worth as much as $65 billion were fiction.
The investigation has found that in reality, Madoff never made any investments, instead using the money from new investors to pay returns to existing clients - and to finance a lavish lifestyle for his family.
In bankruptcy filings, Trustee Irving Picard say family members "used customers accounts as though they were their own," putting Madoff's maid, boat captain and house-sitter in Florida on the company payroll and paying nearly $1 million in fees at high-end golf clubs on Long Island and in Florida.
Picard has sought to reclaim ill-gotten gains by freezing Madoff's business bank accounts and selling legitimate portions of his firm. (Its season tickets for the Mets went for $38,100.) He's also sued big money managers and investors for billions of dollars, claiming they were Madoff cronies who also cashed in on the fraud.
The defendants include leading philanthropists Stanley Chais and Jeffry Picower - from whom Picard is seeking at least $5.1 billion alleged to have come out of victims' pockets - and hedge fund manager J. Ezra Merkin. All have denied any wrongdoing.
A service of YellowBrix, Inc. .
Jan 25, 2009
Obama met with Bilderberg 2008
Well they run they world. Yep. Don't believe me?
Watch and be amazed.
Jan 20, 2009
1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the United States,a country he claims to serve but betrays.) He will be a liar and a cheat, Son of Satan.
2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 12 African husbands and lovers)He will be a homosexual an abomination to God.
3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday’s facing Mecca)
4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected, Mabus will be his name. Millions of godless people will follow Mabus and will kill for him.
5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel,the nature of the Beast is to hate Israel( Obama has said he loves Arabs specially
Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc)
6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Famine, destruction,Violence and mass Murder is in his heart
7.- Obama will help Iran and Al Qaida in their evil projects of destruction.Obama will help the children of Ishmail to kill millions.
8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem)
9.- Obama comes to implant Muslim Sharia Law upon America. Sharia is the Law of Slavery for Humanity. It's the opposite of Freedom.
10.- Obama will enslave American women forever with Sharia Law. Hijab and burkas will cover their bodies
11.-Mabus will finish his term on 2012, predicted by the Mayas to be the end of the world.
12.- Mabus will use Commercial Mind Control to obtain control of the ignorant masses, only those who read this note will be free
from his mental hold.Jews will be protected from Mabus by the Jewish G-d.
13.-Mabus has come to destroy the finest country in the world, America. Mabus has come to steal your soul and your children's souls. He brings famine, plagues, Nuclear war, race war, and the total destruction of America.
14.-He will have the blue lips of Satan his Father and the booming voice of Hell his house. His will lie,murder and cheat to gain your trust and to enslave your soul.
It's written and will come to pass, Mabus will try to be your King and destroy the world with nuclear weapons but his first attack will be against Israel and the Jewish people. The beast 666 hates G-d's chosen people.
Obama is the Anti-Christ, beware of him and don't let you be deceived by Him.
Supporters of Obama: 1.5 billion Muslims, Oprah, Louis Farrakanh, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all American Muslims.
This time is your turn to suffer America, the next 4 years will be pure hell if Mabus becomes your King.
He will kill 200 million Americans!!!Mostly Whites but many Blacks too if they refuse to worship Allah, Satan himself, his father.
If the use of Mind Control on American citizens is legal or not we don't know but we urge the US Attorney General to look into Obama's use of such dangerous program. Obama's Commercial Mind Control Program was provided by Oprah, complete with human instructor-teacher. Oprah has been using this program on her TV program to her benefit and to amass a huge 3 billion fortune.
You must make them wait for 2-3 hours to show the sheep(Public) that You are extremely busy and important and that you are making time for them. Even though they are insignificant. This sets the stage for the Con.
Lesson 1.-
First you have to make them believe you are the Messiah with borrowed words like:
"... a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama" - Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire.
January 7, 2008.
If you analyze this words you will find a con man behind it. But with a booming voice and broad smile you cover yourself and continue the con.
Lesson 2
"We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
- Obama, Super Tuesday
When you have the public totally mesmerized with your loud booming voice you tell them:
When they swallow this outright lie you proceed to the next con with a huge smile and make them clap wildly and your wife will make them chant your name so it sinks into their minds that you are the one to follow and to stand for.
Lesson 3
"He's running a theological campaign," said the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who ran for president in 1984 and 1988. "At some point, he took off his arms and grew wings."
After you have the sheep totally engrossed in your con and are euphoric you tell them:
Then you make them clap and lift the signs and chant your name in order that the con becomes "Obama has to change the world into his image and that his dream is their dream"
Their minds will be open and at your mercy and you can implant anything you like into their minds and they will be almost ready to obey You blindly.
Lesson 4
"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
-- Chris Matthews
At this point you tell your wife to come out embrace and kiss you to give the public the image that it's them that are approving and kissing you too.
More chanting your name and more placards to reinforce the idea that You Obama are the Messiah who will redeem them
The sheep(Public) will donate immediately. They are yours to exploit anyway you want.
"Obama has this almost irrational following and I myself can't sometimes explain why I'm supporting him," Noah Norman, 25, recently told the Washington Post.
"He's all things to all men. At least that's how I put it."
He has no executive experience, has limited knowledge on foreign affairs, and has extremist and radical ideas as his frame of reference.
His alliances/associations are Anarchists, Socialists, Communists, and Islamists.
On defense, he is willing to end the U.S.’s nuclear and weapons research. He is also willing to work with Russia to remove our ballistic missiles from NATO allies.
He is willing to redeploy the U.S. military from Iraq to Pakistan.
He wants to attack Pakistan to kill bin laden, something tells me he would knowingly follow faulty intelligence to provoke its population thus an Islamic revolution would prevail in a nuclear capable Pakistan.
He is willing to meet Amadinejad an anti-Semitic bastard, without preconditions. He is also willing to meet with the dictators of Cuba and Venezuela.
He leaves a prayer in the Western Wall for propaganda purposes.
On the home front:
He wants to spread the wealth by punishing achievers. He is so generous he claims to be his brother’s keeper; so far his brother lives in a hut earning less than a dollar a month. His aunt lives here in the U.S. illegally in the slums of housing and no help from Obama in sight.
He wants to increase taxes in a time of a recession.
He is against the second amendment, literally wants to disarm Americans.
He visits his grandmother who happens to be on her deathbed for sympathy all the while covering up his BC details in Hawaii. So far there is no mention about his grandmother’s condition on his campaign stump.
He has no problem with infanticide; babies born alive are not allowed medical treatment thereby being left to die.
He wants to teach kindergartners sex education “It’s the right thing to do”.
He wants to bankrupt the Coal industry, energy prices would definitely skyrocket.
I could go on and on and on and on……………
Here is a sample on a memoir called dreams of my fathers.
“As I was drifting out to sea on a journey knowing not where I was going but I knew it was a journey I had to undertake to find a mystery called Socialism, Communism, Christian Black Liberation Theology and Islam these ideals would qualify me to become the next president of the U.S. And I knew I had to loose something along the way, well I actually had to loose my birth certificate to be more precise”………..
Jan 16, 2009
Leading economist fears decade of weakness in US
The collapse of the American property market helped to start the downturn
One of the world's leading economists has given warning that the United States is facing a decade of financial misery, with the number of unemployed Americans set to continue to rise for years.
Robert Shiller, Professor of Economics at Yale University, who predicted the end of the internet bubble seven years ago, said: “We could have many years of a very weak economy. Big recessions are followed by years of weakness and typically unemployment keeps rising.
“To say that this will last years is not a dramatic statement. What is happening now is much worse than 1990. We could be facing a decade of real weakness.
“This is no ordinary recession. There are signs that people see this as a different story. People are talking about a depression, something that we haven't seen previously.”
Related Links
Professor Shiller's comments come as the unemployment rate in America is rising astonishingly fast.
Last week official figures showed that the US lost 524,000 jobs in December, with the overall unemployment rate rising to 7.2 per cent — the highest level for 16 years.
With about 11.1 million people out of a job, the total number of unemployed is about 50 per cent higher than a year ago.
Some economists, such as Kenneth Rogoff, the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund and now a Professor of Economics at Harvard University, believe that America will be lucky if unemployment peaks at 9 per cent of the workforce and that there is a high chance that it will reach at least 10 per cent.
Professor Shiller, who said that he has talked to the incoming Obama Administration about possible solutions to the housing crisis in the US, took a swipe at the Federal Reserve.
He said: “This recession is by no means mechanical. People have lost a sense of confidence, a sense of trust in institutions and in each other. It is very hard for a central bank to address that by just cutting interest rates.”
Professor Shiller, who has recently published The Subprime Solution — How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do About It, also warned that plans to try to limit foreclosures had met with resistance from those who felt “they had paid their mortgages, they had done everything right, but that they are now being taxed for those who did not”.
The housing market in the United States is widely seen as one of the main causes of its economic troubles.
Spurred by low interest rates and initiatives to promote home ownership, residential real estate boomed for a decade.
Professor Shiller, who co-founded the authoritative S&P Case/Shiller home price index, was one of the first to predict that the housing market would slump and that this could bring down financial institutions.
He said: “So far the Government isn't doing much. [President-elect Barack] Obama has not made any announcement. They do not have anything going. I would have thought that Obama would be receptive [to a rescue plan to stem the rate of foreclosures].”
Obama’s support among Republicans grows
John Byrne
Raw Story
January 14, 2009
President-elect Barack Obama has quietly been working the halls of Congress in recent weeks — he’s been to Capitol Hill meeting with lawmakers three times since his election.
It appears, according to Congressmembers, that Obama’s push is having an effect.
In fact, two “swing vote” senators told a Capitol Hill newspaper in comments published Wednesday that they believe Obama’s aggressive wooing of legislators will win him more votes on the Hill. The two, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), are moderate members of their respective parties and may signal a broader shift in the Capitol.
In comments published Wednesday, Obama received high marks from Republican senators.
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), who worked with Obama on government transparency issues in the Senate, offered Obama unconditional praise.
“I think he is sincere — all the time,” Coburn told Roll Call. “I believe it because I know him.”
“He and his staff have done a good job of reaching out to us,” Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) added. “I hope his tone is reflected in the Senate Majority Leader’s tone.”
Sen. Snowe, who generally votes with the Republican caucus but sometimes provides support to Democrats, said Obama’s approach differs markedly from Bush’s. Bush rarely — if ever — appeared on the Hill, and oftentimes when he did it was only for public events, like St. Patrick’s Day.
Obama is “reaching out early on and setting the tone from the start by which, optimally, he will govern,” Snowe remarked.
“Everyone wants him to be successful,” Alabama senator Jeff Sessions added.
Texas Sen. John Cornyn was more cautious, saying the GOP would known “soon enough,” of Obama’s sincerity. But Cornyn is tasked with being the GOP’s attack dog as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee — the equivalent of the Republicans’ Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
Added Cornyn, “I’m confident that there will be sufficient differences to distinguish Republicans and Democrats as we move forward.”
In the House, Roll Call noted in a separate article that Republicans have muted their criticisms of the newly elected president. The paper was careful to note, however, that the Republican effort to leave Obama alone may be part of a carefully orchestrated political calculus.
“Republicans’ best friend right now is Obama because Pelosi ends up getting triangulated,” former spokesman for retired House Speaker Dennis Hastert said. “If Republicans attack too early and don’t give him a chance to govern, we come off as sore losers and lose any credibility that we’re rebuilding.”
Even so, the closely-divided Senate is more important to Obama’s legislative agenda, since the Democrats’ margin in the House is far greater. Obama’s outreach could pay major dividends when he attempts to advance his agenda following his inauguration Jan. 20.
Feds Cite Racist Chatter for 'Higher State of Alert' in Inauguration
January 13, 2009
Federal agents are on “a higher state of alert” because of hate talk by white supremacists about Barack Obama’s inauguration, officials told the Daily News on Tuesday.
“That chatter is out there, no doubt about it,” one senior FBI agent in Washington said this afternoon, adding that no credible plots against the 56th Presidential Inauguration have been detected.
The Bureau has ordered agents in all 56 field offices to “shake the trees” in advance of the Jan. 20 swearing-in of the 44th President, who will become the first African-American to occupy the Oval Office.
“They’re talking to sources to determine if there is any threat information in regard to the Inauguration,” the FBI source said.
“Everybody in law enforcement dealing with that particular (white supremacist) ‘clientele’ is on a higher state of alert,” a senior agent at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives told The News.
The ATF has expertise infiltrating white supremacist groups. A classified threat assessment for the Inauguration by the FBI and Homeland Security Department citing agitated hate groups was sent to police agencies this week.
Counterterrorism officials have also picked up chatter from Islamic militants, but the agitated domestic hate groups are “the big concern,” said another FBI official.
But Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told reporters at a briefing with local officials: “We have no credible intelligence to suggest a credible threat (to Obama’s Inauguration).”
During Obama’s campaign, white racists in Colorado and Tennessee were charged in separate plots against the candidate.
Local officials from D.C., Maryland and Virginia cited security concerns Tuesday for new restrictions on those attending the ceremonies - a throng estimated between 1.5 and 3 million. The historic ceremonies will be the largest National Special Security Event ever. At least 20,000 cops, federal agents and National Guard troops will be deployed.
- Richard Sisk and James Gordon Meek
THIS is a MUST SEE on this most important issue !
The Embassy : Dr. Alan Keyes and Obama (Part One)
Philip Berg, Plaintiff in Berg v. Obama, will have a second Conference this Friday, January 16, concerning his request to either (1) stay the Electoral College vote or (2) stay the certification of same (original docket; new docket; all in “Supreme Court Info” on the sidebar).
In my opinion, if Mr. Berg is smart, he will appropriately deal with his Third Circuit case (his brief for the case is due by January 20) prior to this Friday. Of course, even that won’t guarantee that the Supremes will react any differently to this question than his original petition for Certiorari, as the lower court is in no way obligated to “finish up business” prior to this Friday.
We also don’t completely know all of the cards in Philip Berg’s hand. Clearly, he has a sealed Berg v. Obama case currently under consideration in the Judiciary, and he’s already promised to file a Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto, should the President-Elect be inaugurated without any orders being handed down.
We also know that next week could entail action from the courts at the State and federal levels as well; .More to follow.
Current listing of eligibility lawsuits -
Heavy Palin Coverage Changes Capitol Press Rules
Governor Palin's continuing national attention is changing the way local media members will be allowed to bring Alaskans upcoming session information.
For the first time lawmakers are requiring press members to sign an official agreement.
A big reason the constitutional freedom of the press exists is to make sure reporters have free access to cover topics like the legislature, and act as public watchdogs.
The way it has always worked, Juneau’s Capitol Press Corps members agreed in principle to follow rules, and were given a press pass.
Now they'll have to sign a document to receive one.
"And since national attention is what it is we thought this would be a good time to make sure we're very clear." House Rules Chair John Coghill, R-North Pole, says.
“Very clear” comes in the form of a new, three-page Joint House and Senate Press Rules packet.
Now, to receive a press pass, a media member needs to sign a contract saying they will abide by all 17 of them.
Coghill says, “And we had rules that were generally gentlemen's rules. And we talked about dress codes, and things like that. But we thought we'd better line them out very specifically.”
Important, Coghill says, because of limited House and Senate floor space.
If there are higher coverage demands one rule gives first priority access to local news reporters.
“And when the governor’s coming to speak to us, or when we're doing something that may affect the governor, I want to make sure those 12 people understand they're there by invitation and if they won't abide by the rules somebody else wants to get in their place,” Coghill says.
Veteran Capitol Reporter Dave Donaldson says the new policy will not hamper reporters in their duty to act as Alaskans legislative watchdogs.
“There is nothing to me that is obtrusive into what I can do with how I can work,” Donaldson says.
“This is probably the first time it's been lined out in as clear of a direction as it has,” Coghill adds.
One rule requires media members to turn off cameras and leave the floor if there is a medical emergency.
Coghill says that exists because years ago when a capitol staff member had a seizure, some media members prevented that person from receiving proper medical treatment.
When the rules were drafted the last line would have allowed legislative rule makers to change these rules at their will, after reporters signed them.
Now, however, they have agreed to take that out that line.
To contact the Newsroom, call 907-274-1111.
Jan 12, 2009

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector and region, strongly opposes H.R. 800/S. 1041, the "Employee Free Choice Act," which is expected to be reintroduced and considered in the early part of the 111th Congress. The Chamber urges you to oppose this legislation, and not cosponsor this legislation.
The bill consists of three provisions, each of which is unacceptable:
Elimination of Secret Ballot: This legislation mandates that a union be recognized if a majority of employees in a designated bargaining unit sign authorization cards. If this provision is enacted, the current system where a federally supervised election process with secret ballots determines whether employees will have a union in their workplace would be effectively eliminated.
Writing contracts through government imposed arbitration: The second provision would result in contracts being written by federal arbitrators instead of the process of collective bargaining and negotiating. Currently, after a union has been recognized, the parties bargain to a first contract where there are protections to make sure both sides negotiate in good faith. Under EFCA, if a first contract is not agreed to within 120 days the matter would be submitted to binding interest arbitration and a contract developed by a panel with likely no understanding of the business, or the competitive forces it faces, would be imposed on the company for two years.
Unreasonable and one-sided penalty expansion: Finally, the Employee Free Choice Act imposes dramatic new penalties on employers for violations of the National Labor Relations Act, but not a single new penalty on unions or labor organizers..
For more information, analysts, and polling data.
This link offers more information:
View this link of Union Organizers:
Link for Writing your Congressmen:
Link for Writing your Senators:
We urge you and your employees to join our team to learn more and to fight to preserve the future of our businesses (this is a public, free membership):
The American People Britain's 13 North American colonies experienced an extraordinary rate of population growth. In 1700 the population was about 250,000; seven decades later there were about 2,500,000 inhabitants, a tenfold increase. This phenomenal growth was a prerequisite for a successful independence movement. In 1700 there were 20 people in Britain for every American colonist; by 1775 this ratio had fallen to 3 to 1.
The American population also changed in composition. The proportion of the colonists who were of English culture and ancestry steadily declined during the 1700s as the result of the arrival, by forced or voluntary migration, of new racial and ethnic groups. Among the 80 percent of Americans who were of European descent, there were important cultural divisions.
Migrants from Germany, Scotland, and Ireland made up at least 30 percent of the white population. Members of these groups often settled in their own communities, especially in the mid-Atlantic colonies of Delaware, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Others migrated into the backcountry regions of the Southern colonies (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia), thus adding ethnic diversity to a region already divided along racial lines. Only the New England colonies of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire remained predominantly English in composition and culture.
In 1775 about one-fifth of the people of the mainland colonies were of African ancestry. Unlike Latin America and the West Indies, North American slaves had a high rate of natural increase. About 250,000 Africans were brought to the mainland colonies before 1775, but the total black population numbered 567,000 on the eve of independence. Most lived as slaves working on tobacco and rice plantations in the Southern colonies. Slaves and some free blacks also lived in the Northern colonies, working on small farms or in cities.
Diversity existed not only in the population but also in religious life. Many of the American colonists were not members of any church. Of those who had a religious affiliation, the vast majority were Protestant Christians. There were significant numbers of Roman Catholics in Maryland and Delaware, and a small number of Jews, mostly in Rhode Island. Among the Protestants, there were significant regional variations. In New England, the Congregational Church was legally established; all residents had to contribute to its support. In the South, the Church of England likewise received state support.
However, Scots-Irish migrants created Presbyterian churches in the Southern backcountry. In addition, many Baptist congregations were formed during the Great Awakening, an important religious revival that swept through all the colonies during the 1740s. In the mid-Atlantic colonies, there were many different faiths, including Quakers, Dutch Reformed, Mennonites, Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Lutherans, so that it was difficult to enforce support for a single established church.
This growth in population and diversity made the American colonies more difficult for Britain to rule. It was therefore an important precondition for the rise of an independence movement and the subsequent emergence of a unique American nationality.
BThe Political System In 1750 there was little political basis for a national consciousness in the colonies of British North America. Each of the 13 colonies was a separate entity, with its own governor and legislative assembly. The inhabitants' first political allegiance was to their own colony. The lower house of each legislature was elected by the adult white men who were property owners. However, the upper houses, or councils, and the governors were chosen in different ways depending on the type of colony.
There were three kinds of colonies: corporate, proprietary, and royal. Rhode Island and Connecticut were corporate colonies, so called because they had been founded under charters granted by the king of England that bestowed corporate rights. In these two colonies, the corporation of property owners elected the council and governor as well as the assembly. Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were proprietary colonies, ruled by descendants of their founders. Their governors and councils were chosen by their British proprietors, or owners. Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire were royal provinces. Their governors were appointed by the king on the advice of the Board of Trade, the British administrative agency that supervised colonial affairs. Their councils, except in Massachusetts, were nominated by the governor and approved by the Board of Trade.
The Political System
In 1750 there were no governmental bodies or political parties that could formulate policy for the colonists as a whole. Such inter colony ties were created only in response to political events that affected all the colonies-first the French and Indian War and then the struggle for independence.
Nevertheless, the colonies shared one important political institution. Each colony had a representative assembly with authority to make laws covering most aspects of local life. The assemblies had the right to tax; to appropriate money for public works and public officials; and to regulate internal trade, religion, and social behavior. Although the British government was responsible for external matters, such as foreign affairs and trade, the American colonists had a great deal of self-government during the colonial period. The capable leaders of the assemblies took the lead in the independence struggle. These well-functioning representative institutions would form the basis for the new state governments.
Economy and Society
Economy and Society In addition to the rapid growth and diversity of the population and the experience in representative government, the emergence of a prosperous agricultural and commercial economy in the colonies during the 18th century helped pave the way for the independence movement.This economic system was based on the production of wheat, cattle, corn, tobacco, and rice in America for export to the West Indies, Britain, and Europe.
The South
The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in South Carolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The white planter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically.
The North
The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. These colonies, along with those in New England, exported wheat-along with corn, cattle, horses, fish, and wood-primarily to the West Indies. The British and French planters of the Caribbean, exploiting a mainly African labor force, specialized in the production of sugar for export to Europe and imported many of their foodstuffs. The Northern mainland prospered from this vast transatlantic division of labor. In payment for supplies shipped to the West Indies, their merchants received bills of exchange (essentially credit slips) from merchant houses in Great Britain. These credits were then used to purchase British manufactured goods.
Trade Patterns and Urban Growth
The two most important trade routes in terms of volume and financial return were controlled by British merchants: the tobacco and the sugar trades. American merchants dominated two small trades routes: the export of rice to Europe and the export of supplies from the Northern mainland to the West Indies. However, American control of these subsidiary trade routes undermined the British policy of mercantilism, which depended on raw materials from the colonies that were shipped to Great Britain and then exported as finished products. This policy discouraged any colonial trade except with Great Britain.
The colonists' participation in transatlantic trade accounted for the rise of the American port cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Newport, and Charleston. These shipping centers gradually came to provide the commercial services, such as insurance and wholesale trade, and the small-scale industries, such as rope and sail manufacture and shipbuilding, that were necessary to sustain a merchant fleet. The independence movement began in these cities.
Social Divisions
The contrast between the rich and the poor was stark in the colonial cities. In 1774 about 29 percent of the adult men in Boston possessed no taxable property at all. These men were wage earners, working for others. They lived in the back of shops, taverns, or rented rooms. Since they had little or no property, they could not vote, and thus lacked direct political power.
Next in social rank were the artisans and small shopkeepers. Constituting almost half of a town's population, they owned about one-third of the total wealth. Shopkeepers had once dominated town life, but their political and social influence had waned with the rise of wealthy merchants. Artisans feared a similar decline in their position; the influx of British manufactures might destroy their small businesses, reducing them to the status of propertyless wage laborers. As threatened social groups, artisans and shopkeepers were vital to the revolutionary upheaval. They took the strongest stand against the new British measures of taxation and control. They also challenged the political domination of the merchants and lawyers.
Urban merchants also played key leadership roles in American resistance. By 1770 these men, about 10 percent of the taxpayers, owned from 50 to 60 percent of the total wealth of these towns. Their wealth also gave them much prestige and enabled them, and their lawyer allies who handled complex commercial transactions, to dominate political life.
The gap between rich and poor was much narrower in the farming regions of the Northern colonies. However, even in rural communities, where most Americans lived, social differences were increasing. Inequality was especially apparent in areas where crops were raised for sale, rather than just for subsistence. For example, in the Southern colonies, great disparity existed between plantation farmers who grew rice and tobacco on a large scale and family farmers who grew food to feed themselves. In both the North and the South these differences divided farming communities.
In 1775 it was not clear whether the many divisions within American society-among racial and ethnic groups, religious denominations, and social classes-and the fragmented character of colonial political institutions would prevent a unified movement for independence. But it was increasingly apparent that the battle with Britain for American home rule would also involve a struggle among Americans over which people would rule in the new country.
The warfare between Britain and France that began in 1754 with skirmishes in North America has several different names. In America it is known as the French and Indian War (1754-1763). In Europe it is called the Seven Years' War because the fighting there lasted from 1756 to 1763. The war in North America was fought mostly throughout the Northern colonies, and in the end Great Britain defeated France. During the peace negotiations, Britain acquired French holdings in Canada and Florida from France's ally, Spain. However, Britain also accumulated a large debt over the course of the war. To help pay off the debt, Britain turned to the colonies to generate revenue.
The war changed the relationship between Great Britain and the colonies. Prior to the war, Great Britain had practiced a policy of salutary neglect, not insisting on strict enforcement of laws, such as the Molasses Act, which in 1733 imposed a tax on molasses, because trade with the American colonies was making Britain very wealthy and powerful. During this period, the colonists developed a nearly independent political and economic system.
After the war, however, British leaders reevaluated their relationship with the colonies, ending the policy of salutary neglect and proposing reforms and new taxes. This reevaluation was caused by conflicts between Great Britain and the colonies during the war, such as the colonial assemblies' insistence on controlling the militia units raised to fight the French, the increased colonial independence, and colonial smuggling of French goods into the country during the war. In addition, the war had left Great Britain deeply in debt. British leaders viewed American prosperity as a resource and taxing the colonies as a means to relieve British debt. Conflicts arose as Great Britain attempted to reassert its power over the colonies; they viewed Great Britain's attempts to tax them as interference into internal matters. The colonies believed that Great Britain had jurisdiction only over external issues.
Jan 11, 2009
As the chapel bell struck eight, the lanky figure and his two “aides”
stepped off the curb of High Street. Fast as lightening, they
traversed the short distance to the Tomb,their destination.
Greeted at the front door of the massive and imposing structure and
giving the necessary password, the two aides ushered their new initiate
down a musty corridor into a darkened side room. Instructed to “strip
completely,”the young man obeyed, not uttering a word. A sense of
excitement—and dread—filled every atom, sinew, and corpuscle
of his being. His heart raced with anxiety and anticipation. Vague,
unnamed fears began to infiltrate his mind.
Silently, in the dark he waited. Minutes passed. A sense of quiet
desperation soon enveloped his brain. He felt trapped, yet hopeful and
expectant. No way could he back out now, he thought. No way.
Then suddenly, the room began to bristle with activity. The door flung
open and a band of “ruffians” rushed in. Grabbing him roughly, but
firmly by the shoulders, they placed a blindfold over his eyes and led
him out—in and out of corridors and up a long series of stairs and
Along the way, he heard noises—terrible noises—moans, screams and
wails, some muffled, some hollered out in total terror. Fear would have
overtaken him, but for the fact, that it was all happening so very,
very fast. He had little time to think, let alone evaluate these
unexplainable events.
Then, entering a large, red velvet room, he felt hands and arms
shoving, mauling, pressing his body into what seemed to be a box or
container. (Later, the initiate was to discover that this container
was, in fact, a crude coffin.)
The new man heard a brusque voice announce his arrival, and the rite of
passage commenced. Members in blackhooded robes carrying flickering
candles crowded around the candidate, some chanting, others muttering
strange and bizarre incantations, and still others—perhaps more
inebriated—huskily mouthing epithets and curse words. The smell of
liquor combined with a dank, unidentifiable odor wafted about the room.
“Tonight,” the leader’s voice intoned, “he will die to the world and be
born again into the Order, as he will thenceforth refer to it. The
Order is a world unto itself, in which he will have a new name and
fourteen new blood brothers, also with new names.”
Then, abruptly, on command, all in the room ceased their voices. It was
time for the connubial bliss portion of the ritual. The candidate was
ordered to begin his confession. As he lay in the coffin and poured out
his heart about his sexual experiences and fantasies, as he began to
reveal to the utmost depths his hidden desires and passions, a clamor
began around him. He was being accused of “covering up,” of lying, of
stretching the truth, of omitting pertinent facts. He was warned that
unless he truthfully and completely told all, until he shared every bit of intimacy
with his future “brothers,” he would be deemed to be unfit for service as an honorable,
esteemed Knight of the Order.
It did no good to protest of his veracity. The howls, threats,
and verbal abuse simply escalated. The initiate felt rotten. He was
overcome with an overpowering and consuming need to comply, to please,
to conform. Pliantly and with intense concentration, he searched the
deepest recesses of his mind and soon was able to recall additional bits of data.
His performance obviously pleasing to the assembled members, there was
a brief pause. The new man was lifted out of the coffin and his
blindfold removed. As he blinked his eyes and gazed about the room, he
was shocked at the scene he saw before him, members in skeleton suits,
in red suits, in bloody, torn, scroungy garb, and in ghostly costumes.
Some wore campus attire but their heads were covered with black hoods.
And he noticed that some wore sparsely cut, grayish robes with strange
symbols inscribed or sewn thereon.
Stage one was over and the candidate had passed with flying colors.
But more trials were to come. There would be the naked wrestling as
he and the other 14 candidates plunged into and wallowed in a mud pile, to the taunts,
cries, cheers, and roars of the spectators. Busily, up and down the
stairs he went, from sanctum to inner sanctum, sometimes threatened and
prodded, at other times encouraged.
Once, in a tower room, he was brought before a mysterious hooded and
crowned figure who sat regally on a throne. “Bow to the Master,” the
order came from the attendants. Feeling uneasy at so bold a request to
demonstrate his servility, yet desperately not wishing to offend and
anger, the initiate meekly—and promptly—complied. Finally came the
climactic ceremony of the “bones,” the moment when he and the other
candidates were “awarded” and assigned their new, esoteric names.This
is our new brother “Poppy,” the leader reported.”
He is a Knight. May he ever remember he is a Bonesman and a member of the
Order, and may he never forget that all those creatures outside the
Order are barbarians, vandals, and gentiles.” That’s the way it was
that night, over five decades ago, when George Herbert Walker
Bush—“Poppy” to his blood brothers—was initiated into the privileged,
much revered ranks of the notorious, yet powerful, Skull & Bone Society.
Occultic and Gruesome: A Harrowing Ritual Coffins, black-hooded men
with lit candles, skeletons and bones—these are all grotesque images
and reveal to us the occultist nature of the Skull & Bones initiation.
But is my account of what goes on behind the closed doors of the Tomb accurate?
The definitive answer is yes. Other investigators report similar
gruesome events remarkably parallel to my own descriptions.
For example, Ron Rosenbaum, in his expose article, “The Last Secrets of
the Skull & Bones” (Esquire magazine, Sept. 1977) wrote extensively of
the“harrowing” and grueling ordeal and test to which the newly tapped
members voluntarily submit. According to Rosenbaum, accompanied by
strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb,” the
initiate must undergo as a minimum the following:
• Lying completely nude in a coffin, he confides to by standing
members,or Knights, the most intimate “secrets” of his sex life.
• A naked wrestling match with other candidates in a sloppy and messy mud pile.
Roger A. Javens, a friend of mine and a dedicated Christian who just
happens to be a Yale graduate—though not a Bonesman—investigated and
researched the Order of Skull & Bones while still a student on campus.
In his extensively documented report, Javens states that:
Each member is required to give his autobiography… Fellow members are
assembled in black-hooded robes with candles as a member shares his
life story from a coffin. Javens adds that this ritual can be
traumatic: “This is known to be a powerful and emotional experience as a
member shares his childhood, his experiences (including his sexual
experiences), and his ambitions and goals in life.”
A Mind-Jarring Ritual“Moreover,” says Javens, “the bizarre initiation
rituals of the Skull & Bones Society are not simply juvenile, fun and
games sessions. Their purpose is a serious one. They are, in fact,
calculated to produce enduring, lasting behavior and thorough changes.
They serve as an intense, ritualistic form of psychological
conditioning.”The initiation process, undoubtedly, as the evidence
suggests, is a humiliating and traumatic psychological experience. Like
other initiations…theirs is also a form of peer pressure, encounter
group therapy. All inhibitions and defense mechanisms are broken down.
The individual is then built back up after he has been sufficiently demoralized.
Obviously, there is a price one must pay to enter the exalted ranks of
the world’s most exclusive men’s club. Psychological conditioning takes
its toll. Yet the greatest sacrifice made, quite possibly, is the new
initiate’s independence. Now an active member of a group collective, he
is expected to comply with the group’s demands and support its goals.
His own destiny and future is tied to the fortunes of the greater group
collective. He has become the servant of the group,and it is his
acknowledged and unquestionable master.
The servant aspect, Bonesmen realize, is the price they
must willingly and eagerly pay for all the enormous rewards
to be accrued through membership in the world’s most elite
Brotherhood. In light of the substantial rewards offered the
initiate, the price probably does not seem to be onerous.
It is, in fact, a bargain. The new Bonesman finds that he is
immediately tied into the “old boys” network of the Skull &
Bones in innumerable ways. He quickly discovers, too, that
it is a network that operates throughout the planet and
holds the levers of power in almost every nation on earth.
From the moment he is initiated and given a new name,
an ancient recognized symbol of unity among those in
cultic groups, a young man of the Order finds that his life
is guided by a powerful, often invisible silver cord. He
himself is but one of the interlinking and braided threads
in a closely woven, rigid, and inelastic network of power and influence.
The Three Bushes
In a fascinating article (January 6, 1991) on President George Herbert
Walker Bush (the senior Bush) in the Guardian Weekly, an insert tabloid
of The Washington Post, the authors allude to the guiding, yet unseen,
power network that influenced the policies and political life of the
President. Referring to the establishment-endorsed book, The Wide Men,
in which the authors favorably look at the secret societies and their
works, the article stated: What he (George Bush) may be guided by is a
thread that runs deep through his own life and times. Like the “wise
men” chronicled by authors Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas in their
1986 study of six influential to bastions of the establishment such
as…Yale. His father, Prescott Bush,was a friend and business associate
of these men, including…W. Averell Harriman.
They were an elite group…who helped shape a New World
Order… They steered the United States…toward a new and difficult
international role… The power and influence of Skull & Bones was amply
demonstrated during the 2004 U.S.A. presidential elections Amazingly,
both of the major party nominees, incumbent President George W. Bush
(R-Tex)—the junior Bush—and Senator John Kerry (D-Mass), were Bones
alumni. George W. Bush is actually the third in a dynastic line of
Bushes to be initiated into the Order.
As I noted, before him came grandfather Prescott Sheldon Bush and
father, and also President, now retired, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Incidentally, Senior Bush, who at his initiation was given the secret
name “Poppy” by his fellows, later was rewarded with yet another
appellation. Today,fellow Bonesmen refer to George Herbert Walker Bush
as “Magog.” Junior Bush, inexplicably, was bequeathed the moniker, “Temporary.”
Most researchers report that Skull & Bones originated at Yale
University in 1832, being founded by a man named General William H.
Russell. Today, the Skull & Bones is formally known as “The Russell
Trust” and is incorporated in that name. William H. Russell visited
Germany in the year of 1832 and while
there was introduced to a German secret society which was a successor
of the Bavarian “Illuminati” of Adam Weishaupt.
Germany has been the home of many secret societies. In fact, they
existed all the way up until the time of Adolf Hitler and still operate today.
Hitler himself was a member of two secret societies, the Vril Society
and the Thule Society,and he believed himself to be a Teutonic Knight.
Upon his return to the United States in 1832, General Russell and some
associates determined to establish a similar group in America. Yale was
then one of the Ivy League colleges, was perhaps the top school, along
with Harvard and Princeton in the United States at that time. It was
therefore Russell’s intention—he and his very wealthy, rich friends—to
make sure that they and their sons could become members of a secret
order which would have favored, privileged status in society.
At the time, Freemasonry was in disrepute throughout the United States.
A Captain William Morgan, a former Mason, had renounced the group and
published a volume in 1829 unmasking most of the secret rituals,
handshakes,and symbolism of Freemasonry. So enraged were Masons, that
Captain Morgan was murdered. This violent act became a rallying cry
against all Masonic lodges everywhere. So great was the public outcry
that an Anti-Masonic political party was even established.
So, when General Russell and his Masonic friends decided to found their
secret society at Yale, they avoided the Masonic name. However, the
Skull & Bones is, in fact, nothing less than a black lodge of
Freemasonry, and its rituals are almost carbon copies of the highest
level ceremonial rituals of Freemasonry. It was decided that 15 juniors
at Yale would be chosen each year from among the “upper crust,” the
upper classes, the rich, the famous, the privileged, the influential.
And so they set up this secret society to be known as Skull & Bones.
They also constructed an impressive, windowless building that came to
be dubbed “The Tomb,” adjacent to the campus of Yale University.
Interestingly, the esoteric motto of both the Skull & Bones and Yale
University itself is the one inscribed on certain campus buildings and
is also to be found inscribed in Latin on the $1 bill of our currency.
The words of this motto,in Latin, are: Novus Ordo Seclorum. That is
also the Yale slogan, translated in English, the words mean New World
Order. Thus the members of the Skull & Bones perceive themselves as the
men who are to bring in the New World Order.
Yale University seems to have been a bastion of secret society plotters
and of skull duggery far prior to Russell and his 1832 founding of the
I document the fact that the roots of Skull & Bones can be
traced all the way back to the American Revolutionary War era.
Indeed, the city of New Haven, Connecticut,home of the Tomb, where the
“Bonesmen” reside, and their affiliated university,Yale, is located,
was originally laid out so that the town’s center was in the form
of a skull and bones. The heart of New Haven was designed to be the
town cemetery—a place of the dead, and this cemetery is the skull.
A $54 Million Endowment for Pampered Rich Boys
At Yale, then, we have this secret society in which only 15 students
are inducted each year. They live in a building, the Tomb, that
resembles a combination library and mausoleum and are cared for by paid
servants, cooks, and attendants. The Russell Trust is endowed by $54
million in alumni grants. Imagine $54 million for the welfare of these
15 pampered initiates! These 15 students are obviously chosen, special
people. They are called Knights while they are at the university,
but when they graduate, they are called Patriarchs of the Order.
It has been the case that since 1832 the Patriarchs, also calling
themselves Bonesmen, continue to meet together, frequently. The new
graduates are also mentored by older patriarchs and are rewarded for
their jobs, loans, grants, and favored treatment throughout their
lives. “Once a Bonesman,” it is said,“always a Bonesman.”
Behind the Closed Doors of the Tomb
In 1873 some Yale students wanted to know the secrets of the Tomb, the
building where the strange, arcane ceremonies and rituals are held to
induct the chosen new Skull & Bones members. A group of Yale students
therefore decided to break into the Tomb, to discover what goes on in
the inner sanctum. What they found there was quite shocking. They came
upon actual skulls and bones—real skulls and bones. Many other
evidences of occultism were found in the Tomb.
Some of those students later wrote of their experiences and revelations
in the Yale newspaper, the Iconoclast. Evidently, sentiment was then
against the Bonesmen, as a result of their arrogance and their unfair
actions in consistently favoring their own, regardless of merit.
We can be sure there have been many fine, brilliant and hard-working
students inducted into the Yale secret society known as the Skull &
Bones. Yet in fact, it does not matter what merit a man may have. By
virtue of his being a member of this secret order, he is always
favored, not only by fellow Bonesmen,their blood brothers at Yale, but
later in life by the alumni. It is the alumni who actually control the
Order of Skull & Bones.
That Cryptic Number: 322
The logo of the Order of Skull & Bones is a skull with crossed bones
and underneath a strange and mystic number “322.” At Yale, the Order is
known as Chapter 322. What does the “322” stand for? There seem to be
of this number is found in Chapter 3, verse 22 of the book of Genesis
in the Bible. Now,in returning our attention to Genesis, chapter 3:22,
a fascinating revelation comes into focus. What Genesis 3:22 is all
about is initiation. Just as each of the candidates for Skull & Bones
membership must pass through an initiation process, so Genesis 3:22 is
talking about the ordeal of a person who passes through ritual
initiation into perfection and Godhood.
Here, we have recorded the story of Adam and Eve and their fall from
grace. You see, before they sinned and disobeyed their creator, Adam
and Eve were immortal creatures. They would not die unless they
transgressed against God. And so God put them in the garden, with the
prohibition against eating of certain forbidden fruit. But they did eat
of that fruit of that tree which they should not have, which they were
ordered not to by God.
And so God, in Chapter 3 of Genesis, verse 22 says this: “And the Lord
God said, behold the man is become one of us. To know good and evil.”
But God continues: “And now lest he put forth his hand and take also of
the tree of life and eat and live forever, let us banish them from the
garden!” Thus,in verses 23 and 24, we find that God sent Adam and Eve
out of the Garden of Eden; he drove out the man and woman from
paradise, and he placed at the East of the Garden of Eden guards known
as the cherubim, and a flaming sword to keep inviolate, sacred, and
untouched the Tree of Life.
In other words, Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden because God
said: “He has already eaten one of the fruit. He knows he’s almost like
us. He’s become one of the heavenly hosts. He knows the difference
between good and evil and now let’s drive him out of the Garden or
he’ll take of his hand and eat of the other tree, the Tree of Life, and
he’ll be an immortal god and live forever.” If man had eaten of the
Tree of Life, he would have become an immortal, a divine being: a god.
So the Lord said, “let us drive him from it.”
Therefore, the number of Skull & Bones, Chapter 322, appears to be a
veiled reference to unredeemed man’s inner desire and yearning to
become a god—to partake of the Tree of Life. Through initiation, the
secret society candidate does, in fact, partake of the fruit from the
Tree of Life—he symbolically returns to the Garden and is made perfect and divine!
Indeed, my investigation demonstrates that, metaphorically speaking,
the goal of every secret society is to have man, the initiate, eat of
the fruit from the Tree of Life, to become immortal, to become a god.
And I think it makes perfect sense that it could, indeed, be that
account in Genesis 3:22, which inspired the Skull & Bones founders to
utilize this number. A Ritual of the Mystery Religions
The initiation rite is a throwback to Masonic rituals (particularly the
ritual for the 30th degree) and is modeled after the similar rituals
conducted in ages past by the mystery religions of the Greeks, the
Romans, the Babylonians, and the Egyptians. Its purpose is occultic:
the new member of the Skull & Bones Society supposedly dies to the
world and is born again into The Order. The Order is considered a world
unto itself. The man has a new name and 14 new blood brothers.
Moreover, he joins an elite few numbering in the hundreds—chosen
from among the 5.5 billion inhabitants of planet Earth!
The elitism of Skull & Bones is very disturbing to fellow students.
It’s an interesting thing that as far back as 1873, the Yale students
who broke into “The Tomb” discovered some of the group’s secrets. They
warned in their school newspaper at the time that, “Year-by-year the
deadly evil of the Skull & Bones is growing.” The Order they wrote, is
not just obnoxious and arrogant, it fancies itself superior. Moreover,
the students suggested that the true goal of its membership was to
endeavor to rule in all things and to clutch tightly its power.
We offer no objections to their existing plan. No one disputes with
them this is right, we question but the plan on which they act, that
only he who wears upon his breast their emblem, he for every post shall
be considered best.
The history of the two George Bush’s lives is proof positive of the
almost unbelievable influence and ability of a small band of rich and
powerful co conspirators to create a pliant company man perfectly fit
and trained for their own sinister purposes, and to actually propel
that man to the very seat of world authority as head of the
United States of America, the mighty military arm of the
Secret Brotherhood’s New World Order.
Further reading
# Robbins, Alexandra. Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy
League, and the Hidden Paths of Power. Back Bay Books, 2003. ISBN
# "Whose Skull and Bones?," Kathrin Day Lassila '81 and Mark Alden
Branch '86, Yale Alumni Magazine, May/June 2006
# Skull & Bones Society: A rare look inside Skull and Bones, the Yale
secret society and sometime haunt of the presumptive Republican nominee
for President, by Alexandra Robbins