Oct 24, 2010

Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative - FoxNews.com

Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative - FoxNews.com: "The campaign by Act! For America, founded by Lebanese American journalist Brigitte Gabriel, includes a radio ad that began airing Monday, opinion articles and robo-calls from former CIA director and Tulsa native James Woolsey urging residents to vote for the ballot initiative."

Oct 13, 2010


THE MOST CORRUPT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS: “UNFINISHED BUSINESS” | CREW's Most Corrupt Members of Congress: "Over the past five years, CREW has uncovered more than 425 instances of potential violations of ethics rules by no fewer than 56 members of Congress. Of those, 37 members have never been investigated by any of the congressional ethics bodies, and 26 “Most Corrupt” members continue to serve in Congress. Because of that, this year, CREW is naming the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics to its “Most Corrupt” list, for standing by and allowing members of Congress to break the rules with impunity. The conduct of the committees, as much as that of the members, reflects discreditably on Congress and undermines the integrity of that body at a time when the public already has little faith in its elected representatives. In fact, an August 2010 survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports found that “70% of U.S. voters believe most members of Congress are willing to sell their vote for cash” or campaign contributions."

Tom DeWeese -- National Heritage Areas: Assault on Private Property

Tom DeWeese -- National Heritage Areas: Assault on Private Property: "One of the dangerous pieces of legislation lying in wait as Congress reopens for business is the 'Celebrating America's Heritage Act.' The bill has already passed the House (H.R.1483) by a vote of 291-122 and now awaits action in the Senate. Why is it so dangerous?

If passed, it would create six new national Heritage Areas and increase federal funding for nine existing heritage areas by 50 percent. The bill would send over $135 million of federal pork to special interests to be used to influence local zoning laws and help lock away private land in the name of historic preservation."

Sep 10, 2010

Bonfire of the Insanities - HUMAN EVENTS

Bonfire of the Insanities - HUMAN EVENTS: "We're fighting for the right of Muslims to build mosques at ground zero? I thought we were trying to keep Muslims AWAY from our skyscrapers. (What an embarrassing misunderstanding.) PLEASE PULL THE TROOPS OUT IMMEDIATELY."

Sep 7, 2010

BBC News - Petraeus: Koran burning plan will endanger US troops

BBC News - Petraeus: Koran burning plan will endanger US troops: "'It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,' Gen Petraeus said in a statement to US media. 'It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems."

Jul 30, 2010

RealClearWorld - Sun Could Set Suddenly on Superpower as Debt Bites

RealClearWorld - Sun Could Set Suddenly on Superpower as Debt Bites: "The CBO projects net interest payments rising from 9 per cent of revenue to 20 per cent in 2020, 36 per cent in 2030, 58 per cent in 2040 and 85 per cent in 2050. As Larry Kotlikoff recently pointed out in the Financial Times, by any meaningful measure, the fiscal position of the US is at present worse than that of Greece."

Jul 13, 2010

YouTube - Obama: I will not rest

YouTube - Obama: I will not restFrom the Man who said: "I won’t rest until leak is stopped", "I will not rest until the economy is fixed," "I will not rest until…" You get the picture.

Jun 30, 2010

Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says - CNN.com

Dollar should be replaced as international standard, U.N. report says - CNN.com: "By 2050, one of every four people living in a developed country and one in every seven in countries now being developed will be over age 65. The fast ageing of the population will call for proper pension and health care systems that are sustainable."

Jun 11, 2010

Geithner: U.S. Patience Waning on China Currency

Geithner: U.S. Patience Waning on China Currency: "Democratic Senator Charles Schumer told Geithner to 'be prepared' because lawmakers would move forward soon with legislation that would slap anti-dumping penalties and countervailing duties on goods from China and other countries with a 'fundamentally misaligned' currency."