Sep 27, 2009

Your Life Plan (planned by someone else, not you!)

There is a plan for Social Equity, Economic Equity, and Biologic Equity disguised beneath a false nobility...

On our public education system - to prepare our children to live in a equitable world.

On our economy - to create partnerships between business and government, selecting favored businesses as a tool to help implement the policies with our taxpayer money.

On the environment - leading to controls on private property and business.

On health care
- the new drive against obesity (as just 1 example) is leading directly toward controls on what we eat.

On farming - Sustainable Development policies that affect farmers production choices and outputs by regulating land, water, bio-equity, bio-diversity, chemicals, and genetics in the name of environmental protection.

On our social and cultural environment - where political correctness is controlling policy hiring practices, immigration policy, multiculturalism, marriage laws, etc.

On our mobility - with emphasis on carpools and public transportation and away from our freedom of personal transportation choices.

On public safety - where the rule of law and the court system is being challenged by new regulations that affect the right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizures.

On our Water-which seek to reduce the avg American household from a consumption of 100 gals/day to 26/gals/day.

And on Everything Else Not Included Above

To give you part of the picture, there is a comprehensive agenda for each of the following (and then some):

Global governance for peace and security
Global economic governance
International cooperation for development
Strengthening the multilateral trading system
International cooperation for protecting shared environmental resources
Global health
Biodiversity Initiative
Cities for Climate Protection
EcoMobility (mobility without dependency on the private car)
Climate Change & Sustainable Development
Energy for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns
Atmosphere, Water, Land, and Seas
Waste Management

What infuriates me is that this “transparent” administration has not, nor will not tell the American people what they are forcing us into. The majority did not vote for a man who said, “I want a one world economy, a one world group therapy session where bugs, animals, and humans all sit around in euphoric harmony swapping stories while your property, lives, lifestyles and livelihoods might have to be radically altered to embrace biodiversity and bio-equality.” We are denied participation and the right to vote on the real issues. We are denied to scrutinize the veracity of these noble-sounding projects. We are denied the opportunity to participate in solutions. We are denied the ability to institute 'real change' where change needs to be, because these issues are being marginalized and used as political fodder to fuel the greed of Power.

Instead, he is engineering our society; molding us in directions most are unaware of; while he deflects and obfuscates to keep us unaware. They are imposing their Utopian ideals upon an unsuspecting population.

The prevailing thought here is that Government believes they know best, and without disclosure, they will provide the solutions as they best see fit and by any means via PPP's. (Private/Public Partnerships--with big business)

The process they are using is Fascism, with all the attendant strong-arm tactics…take-over of this, control of that, inciting civil discord and fanning the flames of discontent for the sole purpose of distracting us from their hidden agenda. That is not democracy.

To defeat Healthcare, Cap and Trade, and other legislations that serve to dismantle America in servitude of the Global Utopia that is driven predominately by George Soros, it is best we Conservatives arm ourselves with the Truth, so we can begin to hold our Congressman and Senators accountable to their hidden agenda. So long as our arguments remain entrenched within the context of these Bills, the concept behind them will march forward, regardless how they change the wording to appease the 'context-driven oppostion' of the American people.

The Global Agenda:
The Timetable for Globalization:

For a synopsis about the real agenda that drives this Administration, go here:

For more in-depth discussions you may go here:

And there is a website opposing this imposed lifestyle change:


Gateway Pundit: Flag Burner Duct-Taped to Flagpole For 6 Hours During Child's Soccer Picnic (Video)

Gateway Pundit: Flag Burner Duct-Taped to Flagpole For 6 Hours During Child's Soccer Picnic (Video)

Sep 19, 2009

First Nations get body bags instead of flu supplies | Canada | News | Edmonton Sun

First Nations get body bags instead of flu supplies | Canada | News | Edmonton Sun
Missile shield sacrificed for Trilaterals' profit

By Patrick Wood, Editor
September 18, 2009

Missile shield sacrificed for Trilaterals' profit

When Obama abruptly dropped the Eastern European missile shield, the real motive became quickly visible. Buried in a Reuter's article was the following side note:

"Shortly after the pullback on the shield programme was announced, Russia's government said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would meet several U.S. executives on Friday from firms including General Electric, Morgan Stanley as well as TPG, one of the world's largest private equity firms."

In fact, all three companies mentioned have connections to the A private organization founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Perpetual membership of around 300 covering Europe, Japan and the North America. Elite membership consists of corporate directors, scholars and high-ranking politicians.

', CAPTION, 'Trilateral Commission',BELOW,RIGHT, WIDTH, 300, FGCOLOR, '#CCCCFF', BGCOLOR, '#333399', TEXTCOLOR, '#000000', CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', OFFSETX, 10, OFFSETY, 10);" onmouseout="return nd();"> Trilateral Commission

General Electric's influence in the White House is second only to Goldman Sachs.

As noted in Obama: Trilateral Commission Endgame, members of the Trilateral Commission have thoroughly saturated the Obama administration -- 13 percent of the U.S. membership now hold critical positions, including,

  • Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
  • Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
  • National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones
  • Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
  • Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
  • Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
  • Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
  • Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
  • State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke
  • Deputy Undersecretary of State for economic, energy and agricultural affairs, Robert Hormats

Note that Robert Hormats was vice-chairman of Goldman Sachs prior to his recent appointment. The economic development of Russia is part of his specific responsibilities.

The purpose of controlling the Executive Branch since the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, has been to create insider business deals for themselves, at the expense of everyone else. The fact that Eastern Europe will now be at the mercy of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Bear doesn't seem to bother the Trilaterals in the slightest.

Until this A trade-related term indicating the dominance of one group over another such that the dominant group can dictate the terms of trade to its own advantage.

', CAPTION, 'Hegemony',BELOW,RIGHT, WIDTH, 300, FGCOLOR, '#CCCCFF', BGCOLOR, '#333399', TEXTCOLOR, '#000000', CAPCOLOR, '#FFFFFF', OFFSETX, 10, OFFSETY, 10);" onmouseout="return nd();"> hegemony
is exposed and broken up, there is zero percent chance of turning back Obama's Marxist destruction of America as we know it today.

Sep 18, 2009

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